Network of the National Library of Medicine
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How to log in to NNLM Delivery

  • 1. Click “Login” in the top right corner of the browser window
  • 2. On the following page, enter your username and password
  • 3. Click “Log in”; you should be automatically redirected to your NNLM Delivery account

How to upload and send a file

  • 1. Click “Upload” in the top navigation or on the homepage.
  • 2. On the following page, click “Browse files” to select a file from your computer.
  • 3. Beneath the file name, add a description of the file.
  • 4. If the file should be publicly visible to any user, check “Public” next to the description field.
  • 5. If you would like to send a notification to someone that the file is available, enter their email address in the “Recipient’s Email” field.
  • 6. If required, add a password for accessing the file in the “Link Password” field
  • 7. To upload the file to a specific folder on your account, select the name of the appropriate folder in the “Upload to folder” drop-down menu.
  • 8. Click “Add more” to select additional files from your computer.
  • 9. Click “Start upload”.

Note: if you added a password to your file, you must send it to the recipient separately.

Downloading Files

How to Download a File that you Own

  • 1. Click “My Files” in the top navigation or on the homepage.
  • 2. Click the name of the specific file you would like to download.
  • 3. Click “download” at the bottom of the window.

How to Download a File sent to you via email link

  • 1. Click the link contained in the email to open NNLM Delivery in your web browser.
  • 2. Click “Download” at the bottom of the window.

Managing Files

To view/organize/delete files on your account, click “My Files” in the top navigation or on the homepage.

How to Create a new Folder

  • 1. Click “My Files” in the top navigation or on the homepage.
  • 2. In the top left box, enter the name for your folder in the “New Folder Name” field
  • 3. Click “Create Folder”

Organizing files into Folders

  • 1. Click “My Files” in the top navigation or on the homepage.
  • 2. Check the box on the left side of the file(s) you would like to move.
  • 3. At the bottom of the file list select the appropriate folder, or select “/” to move the file into the main file list.
  • 4. If you would like to create a new copy of the files, click “Copy files”
  • 5. If you would like to move the existing file, click “Move files”

How to View files in Folders

  • 1. Click “My Files” in the top navigation or on the homepage.
  • 2. In the bottom left box, click the name of a folder to see its contents in the file list.
  • 3. From inside a folder, click “..” to return to the main file list.

How to Delete files

  • 1. Click “My Files” in the top navigation or on the homepage.
  • 2. Check the box on the left side of the file(s) you would like to delete.
  • 3. Click “Delete selected”

Note: files are automatically removed from the server after three weeks.

How to Edit a File

  • 1. Click “My Files” in the top navigation or on the homepage.
  • 2. Beside the file name, click the pencil icon.
  • 3. On the file editing page you can change the name of the file, add a brief description, password protect the file, or make it publicly visible.
  • 4. Click “Submit” to save the changes.

Note: If your file contains copyrighted materials, it should not be publicly accessible.